Brian Crompton 1941 - 2023

Remembering B & D's Brian Crompton
Thunderpole has been saddened to hear that B & D Electronics owner Brian Crompton has sadly passed away, aged 82.
B & D Electronics had been trading at Forton Motorway Services, Northbound on the M6 near Preston for many years. Originally trading from a bus in the car park, before moving into 'The Cabin'.
In August 1991 he even featured in Citizen's Band magazine 'Over The Air' section' (read to full article below).
Some of you may also know him as ‘Stampman’ from our Thunderpole Forum. An ever present oracle who reached CB God status with 6090 posts over 16 years and has helped thousands of our forum members. His advice, "if it anit broke dont fix it".
Thunderpole’s thoughts are with Brians family and friends at this sad time.
Cheers & Beers

Taken from Citizen's Band - August 1991
"During one of my most recent motorway excursions I called in at the Forton Services (M6 - North Bound) and found myself facing a white converted bus belonging to B & D Electronics. A closer examination revealed a variety of CB equipment which would be the envy of most retail shops. They have on-board at least 30+ different varieties of microphones, 30+ different CBs, over 35 types of mobile antennas and everything else you are likely to need."
"They can carry out on site repairs and even fit your new equipment in. It certainly was good to see the stock on display. My thanks to Brian and Julie for showing me around. B & D Electronics also trade at 34 Moore Lane, Preston, Lancs. Apart from CB equipment they stock PMR, Taxi and Ham radios (Visa and Access accepted). If you are passing Forton Services from Monday to Friday go and browse around."